Thursday, February 21, 2008

sooo lazy

I have been very unmotivated to post.  Actually I have been very unmotivated to "live sustainably" and too buys to even try and accomplish any my goals.  Fortunately, without any real effort or energy spent on my part I have noticed myself doing things a little differently.  
I have become almost obsessive about turning the lights off in my house and at work.  Pretty much anytime I walk past the women's restroom on the 4th floor of the building I work in, I check to see if the lights are on in the bathroom ... and if they are I turn them off!!  Of course today someone was in the bathroom when I turned off the lights ... and I don't think that she was very happy.  

Also, I've been going to the Trailhead (a local bar) quite frequently to play darts with friends. (I have recently become a big fan of darts, and was very happy when a crazy old guy finally taught me how to throw a little better.)  Going to the Trailhead itself is not an act of sustainable living (as far as I know they are not very green), but they do have these water jugs with plastic cups conveniently placed at each end of the bar.  I am sure they have set this whole thing up so that the bartenders don't have to be annoyed with people like me who like drink a glass of water for every beer they consume (it is freaking dry in colorado and I don't like to be hungover).   So being the new "green" me, I have taken the extra effort to ask for a reusable glass glass instead of using the wasteful plastic cups offered next to the watering hole.  yay for me!!! 

Ok, ok my efforts so far have been rather minimal ... but sustainable living is always on my mind and I know that slowly but surely I will be making major changes!

1 comment:

Anna said...

I've turned the lights off while someone was going to the bathroom too! Oops!! :)